We’re back

We took third.

At the Associated Collegiate Press convention this past weekend The Chart was proud to accept the third place Best of Show award for a four-year weekly broadsheet. It’s the first time The Chart has placed since 2002, the highest place since 2000 and we’re glad to do our small part in putting Southern’s best face forward.

With that, we’d like to pass out a thank you to all of you, our readers. To all the athletes who pull the sports page, and hang feature stories in your locker rooms, we thank you.

To all the faculty who let a years worth of well-read Charts pile up on their desks, we thank you.

And to all the unnamed students who grab what some have started calling “tomorrow’s news today” off the stack before our editors even get them to the stands, we thank you most of all.

Third isn’t first, but we’ll get there.