A call to service

Our University is facing a time of change.

With the addition of the new student recreation center and the building of the health sciences building, our campus is facing growth. Paired with this growth is an administration attempting to corral a budget that had long been operating under a deficit and create a strategic plan for the future of the University.

It is now, during these tumultuous times, that students need a voice. As president of Student Senate, it my personal desire to have a full and active senate so that the students are provided with the strongest voice possible. Currently, our Senate is not at full capacity. As of our first informal meeting on Sept. 16, we have 10 vacant spots on the Senate. Within the coming weeks, I would like to have all of these spots filled.

Another opportunity for our voice to be heard is the open student representative seat on the MSSU Board of Governors. This position, highlighted in last week’s edition of The Chart, holds the responsibility of liaison between our student body and the Board of Governors. It is a coveted position and it is my desire to nominate the best student for the position.

This article is a call to service. For those that are interested in joining the Student Senate please stop by the Student Services office on the third floor of Billingsly Student Center. If you’re interested in the Board of Governors position please e-mail me at [email protected]. There are still more ways to follow along with the happenings of our student government. It is my most sincere hope that all of you maintain an interest in our Student Senate by following the happenings on campus. I speak for all senators when I say that we are open to your ideas and suggestions on how to make Missouri Southern a better campus. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at my e-mail address and please feel free to follow me on Twitter @wlynch62.

I look forward to this year serving the student body. It is a great day for MSSU and I am very excited for what the future will bring.