WEB EXCLUSIVE: Behind the scenes of Alice in Steampunk Wonderland


Liz Spencer/The Chart

Painting on the signature grin of the Cheshire Cat, Brandi Graber, left, makeup artist, transforms Charlotte Stout, Miami, Okla., into the character. Graber, a professional makeup artist, is an MSSU alum. After graduating in 1993, Graber worked in Hollywood on movies such as “Austin Powers” and “Jurassic Park 2,” and the television shows “Seinfeld” and “The X-Files.” Stout, 17-years-old, says, her dance in the insane asylum scene, is “one of the most fun dances in the ballet.” She has been dancing for 14 years.

Go behind the scenes of a steampunk ballet.
The dress rehearsal for “Alice in Steampunk Wonderland” was held on Sept. 12 in Pittsburg Memorial Auditorium and Convention Center, Pittsburg, Kan. The ballet, set to the music of Queen, is choreographed by Kaye Lewis, owner of Midwest Regional Ballet in Joplin.
Lewis has taught dance for more than 27 years. Originally, she wanted to be a Broadway star, but realized that was not her calling. She has 18 former dancers in the professional field, teaching or acting. “While that’s nice,” said Lewis, “that’s not the goal. I like building confidence and discipline in students.”
Lewis designed all the costumes for the performers. She hired a MSSU alum, professional makeup artist, Brandi Graber to do the stage makeup. Graber, after graduating in 1993, worked in Hollywood on movies such as “Austin Powers” and “Jurassic Park 2,” and the television shows “Seinfeld” and “The X-Files.”
The ballet opens Thursday, Sept. 19, and has performances on Sept. 19-22 as well as Sept. 28-29. Tickets can be purchased online at http://memorialauditorium.org/  To learn more about Midwest Regional Ballet, find them on Facebook or call Lewis at (417) 439-9549.