Foundation board seeks to fill vacancies

The Missouri Southern Foundation Board of Directors is currently seeking nominations to fill two vacancies. According to Brad Hodson, executive vice president, the vacancies came after two previous members of the board reached their maximum term limit and were unable to return.

“We for sure have two positions that are open,” said Hodson. “Right now, I’m in the process of contacting everyone [on the Board] whose first term is expiring to make sure they want to come back. Normally, everybody comes back for their second term.”

Currently, a nominating committee comprised of six members is identifying and researching possible candidates for the vacancies to determine the best fit for the Foundation Board. During the search process, they consider each candidate’s professional position and education, as well as whether they are alumnus or financial donors to the foundation, and whether they can provide expertise is areas such as law, finance and investments.

“We don’t window anybody out in the beginning,” said Hodson, “so if someone gives us a name, out of respect for the person that nominated them, we’ll put them on the list.”

Once they have a list of candidates, they start looking at the people they are losing from the Foundation Board to determine what skill sets will be needed most.

“They sort of take a look at that three dimensional picture of the Board and say, ‘How can we strengthen the board while at the same time maintain some of the particular areas of expertise we have on the board,’” said Hodson.

After taking that information into consideration, the nomination committee will meet again in late May or June to further narrow down the list. Then, at the Foundation Board’s July meeting, the committee will present its recommendations to the 15 members of the Board for their consideration.

Whoever is picked to fill the vacancies will begin serving at the next board meeting in October.