Stand up for what you believe in, be ready to fight for it

Josh Ray

Josh Ray

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time.

It’s time to see if all the money spent was worth it. It’s time to see if all the time was a waste or not. It’s time to walk across the stage in front of hundreds of peers, family, friends and people we don’t know. It’s time to start taking those first few wary steps into the Big-Bad Real World. It’s time to start our lives. It’s time to graduate. After three and a half years, I’m ready for this moment.

To be honest with you, it was worth the money, the time and all the effort (or lack thereof). The knowledge that I am walking away with makes it all worth every second of fun lost, every penny spent and every stressed week. The true knowledge though came not from my classes (which I did learn a lot in), but rather from my experiences.

Now, as I begin taking those slow, unsure steps into that next stage of my life, I want to pass on to all of you one of the things I did learn in the past few years. Maybe it’ll be as useful to you as it has for me.

Stand up for what you believe in.

Too many times do people back down from what they believe in because it goes against the “social norm.” They’re afraid of condemnation, discrimination or humiliation. But you should never be afraid to speak your mind to the masses. The only reason the majority and “social norm” carries so much power is because those who believe otherwise don’t have the balls to stand against it. Change that. Fight for what you believe in. If you hate our president, let people know. If you can’t stand Christianity, by all rights, stand against it. If you’re pro-choice in a land of pro-lifers, then please shout that opinion for the whole world to hear.

And if you make a few people mad in the process, so what? It just means you got their attention. In that case, you’re one step closer to making a difference.

Stand up for what you believe in, and then be ready to fight for it. Be ready to take the battle wherever it goes. Don’t back down. If you’re going to declare your opinion to the world, and then drop it in the face of controversy, don’t waste your breath in the first place. It’s not worth anyone’s time.

The best advice for standing up for what you believe in is to trust your heart.

In this day and time, you are the only person who knows what is best for you. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, but what is right for the majority is not always right for everyone. War cries for terrorist acts by our country do not settle well with all Americans. Christianity is not the right religion for everyone. These are facts now, and always will be.

Just trust in what you believe in and what feels right for you. Nobody knows you as well as you do. While your parents, teachers, friends or family may assume to know “what’s best” for you, they don’t. They never will. Only you know your right path, whether it be with the forbidden significant other, marching on Washington in protest or worshipping the great Allah. Only you can decide what’s best in your life.

It’s time to take control, and be you. It’s time to start living.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to say good-bye.