Students miss opportunity

Students miss opportunity

Students miss opportunity

Who runs the second most important position for Missouri Southern? How many students know that answer?

For those who don’t know it’s the vice president for academic affairs. This person oversees all academic departments, deans and makes the tough decisions come crunch time.

During the past couple of weeks, the University has issued four interview meetings with the final candidates. The administration thought it would be a good idea for these candidates to participate in a student forum. These open forums were an opportunity for students to ask questions and get a feel for the hopeful candidate.

When just a few students show up to these forums, the response sends an indirect message to the University. It means two things: students don’t care or they didn’t know about it.

These forums should have been held in Webster Hall Auditorium during mid-morning hours so instructors could take their classes. For those who missed the forums, they were held on a Tuesday or Thursday at 2 p.m., a time when most students have left for the day.

Students should have been there. It’s just too important of a position for students to not care about. If they want their voice and opinion to be heard on the issues that matter, then they should have been present.

The few students who did attend deserve to be commended. It’s good to know five or six students care about the academic leaders of this University.