New man steps into jazz band

This semester the Missouri Southern Jazz Orchestra welcomed a new director to its group.

Dr. Jeremy Kushner is the new director for the Jazz Orchestra. When Dr. Philip Wise stepped down from that position and into the position of Department Music Head, he asked Kushner if he would be interested in leading the orchestra. Kushner immediately said ‘yes’.

“He’s doing a great job,” Joel Thomas, senior, secondary education, said, “I think [the experience with Kushner] will be good.”

Kushner has been involved in music since an early age as both of his parents taught music at the collegiate level. He plays everything in the percussion family from a jazz drum set to the marimba. Kushner received his doctorate from Arizona State University. Missouri Southern hired him three years ago.

Although he always loved music, Kushner didn’t decide he wanted to teach at the collegiate level until he was in high school.

“I thought that it was a very rewarding career,” Kushner said. “Plus I really like teaching; as I teach I learn. It’s an exchange.”

Kushner’s expectations for this year mainly include keeping the orchestra at the high level it has already established. He mentioned this is a transition period, but he’s always wanted to do something like this.

Kushner is also grateful for the assistance that he has received from colleagues. With a new year always comes new challenges.

The group practices twice a week, and during this time Kushner is looking to build a sound that features one group, not individuals.

“That is something that takes time,” he said, “It doesn’t happen overnight.”

Kushner has enjoyed seeing the orchestra progress from practice to practice.

“The potential is very strong for this group to strive to continue at this level,” said Kushner, “[I want] to push them to go to the next level.”

A chance to see Kushner direct and to see the band play will be coming soon. The Jazz Orchestra will have a performance at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 30 in Webster Hall auditorium.