Something Special

Something Special

Something Special

Monday is St. Valentine’s Day and will mark the 1,509th time the holiday has occurred.

Set aside by Pope Gelasius in 496, Feb. 14 is a day in honor of the martyred Saint Valentine, and judging by the cynicism of many Missouri Southern students, Saint Valentine was the lucky one.

For some, Valentine’s Day marks a time of stress as they find themselves wondering what the perfect gift would be.

There are many potential gift ideas that some Southern students have been willing to share.

“A good gift for Valentine’s Day would be taking a lady friend out to dinner,” said Charlie Natividad, sophomore secondary education major. “Then after dinner taking her out to a movie. Then after that it would be pretty much the end of the date.”

There are students on campus who have more non-traditional gifts in mind for their significant other on this Valentine’s Day.

The gifts range from the practical to the intimate.

“Well I’m going to get my girlfriend a dust pan and a broom,” said Jakke Robb, freshman theatre major. “Then I’m going to sit back on the couch and watch TV while she puts her present to work.”

Many traditional gifts will be given this Feb. 14.

“I’ll give roses and a box of chocolates,” said Corey Childers, freshman secondary education major. “Maybe a little number to go along with it for after hours.”

There are a number of Southern students and people in general that will not be able to spend Valentine’s Day with the person they want.

Some will go home to spend time with people, but others have made plans for the days surrounding Feb. 14.

“No plans for actual Valentine’s Day because my boyfriend has to referee intramural basketball,” said Rachel Mastin, senior theatre major. “But before then I think we’re going to go do the old traditional dinner and a movie.”

The traditional evening seems to be on the agenda for most Southern students, which goes to show creative thinking is not a requirement to enjoy this holiday.

The old classics are still the favorite of many students when falling in love on the anniversary of a martyred saint.

“I’m taking my girlfriend out to a movie,” Natividad said. “Then we’re going to go to the Japanese steakhouse over by Range Line, and pretty much spend a romantic evening together.”

Of course other students have taken a more cynical approach to the holiday, and really do not show much enthusiasm for the Valentine’s Day.

“A good gift would be lovin’ it, rockin’ it and to shut the hell up,” said Michael Runion, sophomore theatre major.

No matter what gift is given, Valentine’s Day will still be special for some.

For others it is just another day.

Some might be sickened by the open and public shows of affection.