Hitch successfully hooks audience members

Guys don’t like romantic comedies.

They’re all focused around girls who are dating lame guys and end up dumping them for Hugh Grant, Tom Hanks or Ewan McGregor.

That is what makes Hitch a little different.

Sure, it’s a romantic comedy, and yes, it does follow much of the romantic comedy formula: guy meets girl; they like each other; something slanderous and untrue damages their character causing a huge rift in the love affair of the century; they work it out and make out in the final frame.

But what makes Hitch different is the fact guys, for the most part, are shown as hopeless romantics, too (emphasis on the word “hopeless”).

Alex “Hitch” Hitchens (Will Smith) is a New York “date doctor” who specializes in helping single, romantically-challenged guys have a chance at winning the girl of their dreams.

“Any guy has one chance with any woman,” Hitch said.

That’s what Hitch does. He helps guys get their foot in the door.

Albert Brenaman (Kevin James) is a financial consultant deeply in love with one of his top clients, who happens to be a celebrity.

Desperate for a chance, he enlists Hitch’s services.

Meanwhile, Hitch has set his sights on Sara Melas (Eva Mendes), a gossip columnist hot on the trial of the celebrity Albert is trying to win over.

While Hitch works his magic with both Albert and Sara, he begins to expose his private services to the one person he shouldn’t – a gossip columnist.

As usual, the guy, or in this case, guys, get caught up in a twisted game of love they must straighten out.

James steals the show as Albert Brenaman.

His hopelessly goofy demeanor is the epitome of what it’s like for a guy truly in love to ask a girl out and follow through with it.

Smith is perfect for the role of Hitch. He’s smooth, funny and fun to watch.

Mendes, who is more known as the “hot babe,” plays a more believable, down-to-earth character, in a romantic-comedy sort of way.

I’m leaving out plenty of essential details because I don’t want to spoil the entire movie.

Overall, this movie was pretty fun. It is definitely hilarious and is worth the seven bucks.

Believe me, guys can sit through this movie.

One may not want to admit it, but I think he’ll like it.