Winter beers

Winter beers

Winter beers

Chart staffers Andrew Ford, Colby Williams, Patricia Robinson and Brennan Stebbins sat down to taste some of the many winter seasonal beers on the market. Some were good, some were great, some were downright awful. Beers were rated on a 0-6 scale.

Michelob Winter Bourbon Cask Ale *****

“Starts a little heavier but finishes smooth and sweet.”

Boulevard Nutcracker Ale ***

“Starts light and ends with a grapefruit aftertaste.”

“I usually like really hoppy beers as I’m drinking it but as soon as I swallow I don’t like it anymore.

Samuel Adams Winter Lager ****

“This beer really pretty decent. I would drink it again.”

Berghoff Red Bock Winter Ale ***

“This feels like a good beer to drink after installing an alternator.”

Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale *

“It does not instill in me celebration.”

“It’s like cough syrup before they added flavoring.”

“It smells a lot better than it tastes.”

“Oh shit, man.”