Life is more than a case of beer

Life is more than a case of beer

Life is more than a case of beer

It’s a big world. In the grand scheme of things, our little life here on campus is safe and peaceful – despite car alarms going off at 4 a.m. and people who think it’s cool to rev their engines and turn their stereos sky-high every time they start. In any sense of the word, we are lucky.

We have a roof over our heads, and even if it’s far from first class, there’s always a meal to be found somewhere on campus. We never really have to go without the essentials. There are so many people who don’t get the luxuries we do, who spend each day wondering where their next meal will come from or how they are going to make end’s meet, or in extreme cases, if they will even wake up one more time.

So is it too much to ask to show a little bit of goodwill toward your fellow man? Take a Saturday morning, go to Lafayette House, go pick up some trash, raise awareness for a cause you care about. It can be so easy and so fulfilling if you just do something.

But there’s so much apathy among people our age. Many would much rather tear through a 24-pack every weekend than help at a soup kitchen. Not many people care about current affairs or anything going on outside of their own little bubble.

This used to be acceptable but not anymore. We owe the world too much to sit around and watch it burn and it’s definitely time to stop fueling the flames. We need to realize that we are the future of this nation and the world. If we don’t start taking care of it and ourselves, no one will.