Board brings question of God to campus

Thirteen people were on hand for the shortest Campus Activities Board meeting this semester, clocking in at just over 20 minutes.

Julie Blackford, director of student activities, discussed the upcoming events CAB has planned, including a potential concert being promoted by both CAB and the Wesley Foundation.

Matt Hite, concert chairperson, was scheduled to present information regarding the concert, but was unable to attend. Original plans were for the concert to be held at the Wesley Foundation’s facilities, but that raised many concerns. Lyndse Bergen, sophomore elementary education major, did express some of those concerns.

“I think it would be fine,” Bergen said, “as long as we move the event to an on-campus location.”

The Board is still searching for a comedian for Safe Spring Break, but the selection process is proving to be difficult. Blackford is hoping to find a comedian who can keep from offending the audience.

“They can have a suggestive joke every now and then, or a word every now and again, but not too much,” Blackford said.

Potential comedians were discussed, but a consensus could not be reached.

CAB is also planning to start selling Valentine’s Day packages on Feb. 10, at $5 at package, which will set CAB back $1.50 a package.

Jeremy Sturgell, lectures chairperson, announced plans for an upcoming debate titled, “Does God Exist.”

The debate will feature Dr. Michael Shermer, founding publisher of Skeptic Magazine and director of the Skeptics Society, squaring off against R. Douglass Geivett, author of Contemporary Perspectives on Religious Epistemology, Evil and the Evidence for God and In Defense of Miracles.

No solid date has been set for the debate, but suggested times have been discussed and should be announced soon.

Blackford also announced the Board has changed its mind regarding the proposed trip to Kansas City, Mo., for the MIAA tournament. Instead of the proposed trip in conjunction with the Alumni Association, CAB will purchase tickets and be selling them to students for $15 as opposed to $36.

The next CAB meeting is set for 2 p.m. Monday in the second floor lounge of the Billingsly Student Center.