Amendments to education bill cause hostility in Senate

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – “I had the floor, speaker, tell her I had the floor. She does not have the floor. I do,” Jacob said.

Sen. Ken Jacob (D-Columbia) put his hands on his hips and spoke out to the floor leader in an attempt to regain the floor of the Missouri Senate April 20.

Sen. Sarah Steelman (R-Rolla) introduced an amendment to House Bill 1002 that would create a World War II film documentary for use in public schools.

Funding totaling $1 million would be taken from the education development portion of the budget to go toward the creation of the video program.

Jacob introduced a substitute to the amendment that would create a scholarship program for veterans of the current war in Iraq.

“Senator, I wish you would not do that.,” Steelman said.

“These WWII veterans are going to die soon, but these teachers could go on teaching for a long time,” Jacob said.

In a show of bipartisanship, Jacob asked to combine both bills and to possibly include other war veterans in the documentary.

Sen. Stephen Stoll(D-Festus) questioned Steelman about the education development portion of the budget and whether or not she knew what services it provided.

“Nationwide this is a model program, other states are envious of our program,” Stoll said.

“The program currently has $20 million,” Steelman said. “I thought it was an appropriate place to get money. The house has already put it into the budget.”

Stoll repeated his question to Steelman.

“I’m done,” Steelman said to Jacob.

“You can do it. They can vote on yours.”

“What did you say to her that got her so frustrated,” Jacob said to Stoll.

“Does anyone know what this $1 million is being used for?” said Jacob.

House Bill 1002 passed in the senate without Steelman’s or Jacob’s amendment..