Senate pushes smoking rule, discusses Internet radio

Student Senate filled its last four seats at this week’s meeting.

The vacancy committee brought four candidates up for vote on one slate, and it was passed unanimously. The four new senators are Phabious Brown, Alicia Swims, Ben Lambert and Colton Smith.

However, there are two senators who have missed three meetings and are at the risk of losing their seats. Jason Heitzman and Ryan Goodwin will both be notified before the Oct. 18 meeting, and if they miss one more meeting they will lose their seats.

Also during the meeting, Senate passed an appropriation to give the Student American Dental Hygienists Association $927 to attend the Missouri Dental Hygienists Associations annual session.

There was also a resolution to encourage the administration to enforce the rule that bars smoking within 50 feet of any campus building. It was passed, but not without discussion. Some senators argued that the administration might not enforce the rule, seeing as how it is already a rule and is not enforced. Others suggested a designated smoking area. Some said there should be a smoking entrance to every building, so non-smokers would know which entrance to use so as not to walk through an uncomfortable cloud of smoke.

The Senate also had a first reading. The Collegiate Middle Level Association requests $1000 to attend the CMLA national meeting. The second reading will be next week.

Also brought up at the meeting was an interest in an Internet-based radio station.

“KXMS is a great station, but I think if we look at the listenership it would be pretty heavily in favor of the community as opposed to the student body,” said senator Tim Fisher.

He said he talked to a faculty member who said there has been interest in a new radio station before but it had failed because it couldn’t acquire an FCC license. But Fisher said this is part of the reason why he is proposing an Internet radio station.

“If we did it online we’d be able to raise awareness for community involvement in on campus activities,” Fisher said. “We could also look into rebroadcasting sporting events and then alumni who don’t live in the area could have access to them.”

Fisher said another reason for the Internet station as opposed to a normal radio station is the FCC license the University had applied for originally would have a small broadcasting range. He said the only listeners would have been students and faculty on campus, who already have Internet access.

Fisher also brought up the academic policies committee meeting he attended. He said the majority of what was discussed at the meeting was petitions about adding and dropping classes from the curriculum.

“I believed they were proposed new courses and that was their first reading. But this was my first time going to this meeting,” Fisher said.

The classes mentioned were Overcoming Math Anxiety for You and Your Students, International Information Systems, The Yucatan Maya, Folklore Fairy Tales and Urban Legends and Introduction to Movie Making. He said a couple of the classes had already been Intersession classes and may be added to the curriculum because of their popularity.

He also mentioned classes on Literary Paris, Economic History of the United States, Advanced Professional Writing and Jazz Styles and Appreciation. But these were classes in the earlier stages of being petitioned.

At the beginning of the meeting the Senate had $11,869.97 in its budget before it allocated $927. Senates next meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on October 18 in the House of Lords room in Billingsly Student Center.