Students, faculty react to election

Some students at Missouri Southern chose to participate in the elections Nov. 7, and opinions varied on the results.”I’m happy with the elections overall,” said Jessica Reyelts, junior studio art major. “I think it’s awesome that that many people went to vote.”Darrell Sour, junior marketing major and member of the College Democrats, said he was excited about the turnaround in the apathetic attitudes he was surrounded with on a daily basis.”I can’t believe it,” Sour said. “We actually got off our asses for five minutes and did something. Usually nobody does anything, they just want to sit around and complain.” Patricia Ross, junior teacher education major, said she was pleased with the voter turnout, even though her polling station was one of the places that ran out of ballots. “Though a lot of people were upset with what happened at least it shows us how many more people are aware of what’s going on,” Ross said.Reyelts said the fact the polls were running out of ballots meant the elections affected many people.”I hope that next time we’ll be better prepared,” she said. “The only fear I have is because there may be a lot of deadlock. But I don’t think it could get any worse.”Ross said she wasn’t surprised the election between Republican Sen. Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill was close, but found entertainment in watching the results pop up.”I thought Talent was going to win all night then all of a sudden at one in the morning it flipped over to McCaskill, and I was like no way,” she said. “It was very interesting to see the polls going in different directions overnight. The stem-cell issue went from no to yes in just a couple of hours.”Nathan Milburn, junior international business and finance and economics major, said he thought the close election meant there were going to be troubles later down the road.”They’re going to have the same problems for the next two years, because the country once again will be split in half, and they’ll have to cater to both sides,” said Milburn. “The issues and everything and all of those things people voted for to get them in, are not going to be what they’ll want to represent to make everyone happy. And if they don’t do that and make the bipartisan happy, then they’ll be kicked out just as fast.”Rob Wood, executive director of the Institute of Ecolonomics, shared the same opinion the about the Democrats holding the position by a slim margin.”There’s going to be some head-butting, there’s no two ways about it. But as we’ve seen with the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, that was something that a lot of Democrats wanted to see happen,” he said. “For it to happen the day after the election speaks volumes about the fact that Bush realizes he’s going to have to work with Congress.”