Reading still ‘the coolest thing in the world’

Rebecca Watts - Editor-in-Chief

Rebecca Watts – Editor-in-Chief

When I was first learning how to read, I had this collection of books, mostly Disney, that came with little cassette tapes. The tapes read word for word the story in the book and it played all of the special little voices and the whole nine yards. It was the coolest thing in the world. This was how my love for reading began.

Of course, I followed the bookworm programs through elementary school and set my self esteem by how many gold stars I could get. My love for reading reached its peak at fifth grade.Then, I started prioritizing athletics and friends and time for reading grew slim. My cool tapes became infantile to me, and then I only started reading when forced to. Like Huckleberry Finn and Fahrenheit 451, which are classics, but hardly appreciated at the junior high level. The same pattern followed through my high school days; however, at that point I started writing more.

My senior year came in a blink of an eye, and I found myself in the student teaching program. Three times a week, I went back to my old elementary school to hang out and be some type of guide for third graders. Talk about a flashback. My memory and love for reading all came back, right after I fell in love with the third graders. I wanted to share my experience with them, I started reading to them every chance I got. Yes, I made the little voices, facial expressions and did the acting out of certain scenes, and I had the time of my life. My cooperating teacher, who was once my third grade teacher, said the kids looked forward to my story time more than anything. Well, maybe besides recess, but they really liked it. Maybe those 30 youngsters never had the cool tapes I had, so I had to try to spark the reading interest from a different approach. I guess all we can do is try to make a difference.

So here I am again, trying to make a difference, using this publication spot to reach out to my fellow students something I want to encourage. Please read.

Read magazines, books, newspapers or even pieces of writing from a freelancer. Read to kids, read to yourself or your family. Write and receive emails from interesting people. Find something you love, and learn as much as you can. We are university students, let’s read like it.