‘Chart’ says goodbye to trio

As 2006 gives way to 2007, we must say goodbye to three people who have blessed us so much. Jessica MacIntosh, Anita Jenison and Nancy Messick are all opening new chapters in their lives. And, as they turn those pages, we want to flip back and say thank-you.

Nancy Messick is retiring after 30 years at Misssouri Southern. She has served as secretary for a department and for a variety of administrators. Since 2002, she has been secretary to University President Julio León. But her contribution has been much greater than any job description. All good reporters know the key to getting stories is getting to know the gatekeepers. And Nancy was the ultimate gatekeeper.

She was always helpful in giving us access and arranging and rearranging appointments to serve our news needs. She always gave The Chart respect and affection and the greatest access imaginable. All the while protecting the best interests of her bosses. Elsewhere on this page, she talks about the evolution of the secretary and leaves her colleagues with words of encouragement and advice.

There is one word for Nancy. And that word is class.

Anita Jenison joined The Chart staff this semester to fulfill a practicum requirement and quickly became a valued member of our leadership team. Anita wrote stories, took photographs and filled some gaps we didn’t know existed. She always met a deadline and always exceeded expectations. A part of us wishes we could keep her around longer, but we know she has outgrown us.

Jessica MacIntosh was our editor-in-chief for the spring and fall semesters of 2006.

Jessica’s commitment to The Chart has been absolute. She has worked long into the night. Not just to put out the paper, but to develop her professional skills. She has mastered all facets of print media and is already working professionally.

Jessica has served under three publications managers and has been a constant advocate for excellence in keeping with Chart tradition.

So, this month, while others will be opening their best gifts for the first time, The Chart will be giving three of its best gifts to others.