We are not your weapon

We are not your weapon

We are not your weapon

Like Mark Twain, the First Amendment considers rumors of its death at Missouri Southern greatly exaggerated.

The Chart maintains its editorial independence in terms of content and coverage. But this week someone endangered the delicate balance between fact and rumor. The Chart has been researching a story about the payroll change affecting the timing of the pay of adjunct instructors. That is a fact. But as John Adams once correctly observed, “facts are stubborn things.” It has come to our attention that readers interested in this story have speculated on our coverage and taken action.

Yesterday, a reporter from The Joplin Globe contacted The Chart’s publications manager after hearing that University administrators were trying to suppress this story. Our publications manager told the reporter this was not the case.

For three decades, this paper has covered controversial, risky and important issues. Sometimes, we are sure, the administration was not happy. But it never killed a story, no matter how stubborn or inconvenient the facts. In fact, the paper’s editorial leadership agreed this week that University administration is very cooperative with regards to information and access.

We thank those who contacted The Globe. Please continue to use us as your source of information. But don’t use us as a club in your battles. Doing so does not serve you, does not serve us and does not serve press freedom.