Q & A with Kara Eckard

Q & A with Kara Eckard

Q & A with Kara Eckard

What’s your favorite track memory so far?

“Oh gosh, I have so many. I guess my most recent one would be when we were in Florida at the FSU meet and Assistant Coach Jamie Burnham got knocked off his feet by a wave. I don ‘t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. I wish I had it on camera.”

What do you do in your spare time?

“What!?! There is time outside of track!? No, honestly, we practice a lot. If I’m not in school, sleeping or running I’m probably doing art projects or watching movies with my roommates.”

What separates you from any other track athlete?

“Nothing, I’m me. All the track athletes are different and goofy in their own ways, but I am just me.”