Tales of lady wolfpack faux pas

I have two of the best friends anyone could ask for.

Together we are the three best friends anyone could have. Since triangles have three corners and there are three of us, we’ve referred to our friendship as the triangle.

When we get our heart broken, find ourselves in the middle of awkward situations (which happens often) or want to go play on the jungle gym we expect the triangle to help us.

The word triangle is like the Bat signal to us, we hear it and we come running with no questions asked.

We solve life problems at Sonic and write our future lives while walking the track in the summer.

The triangle is more than the average friendship; we’re a family. Most people are able to find that one person who understands everything about you and loves you unconditionally.

You know what I mean, that little girl on the playground that helped you throw dirt on the little jackass Eric.

The friend that helped create an alibi so you could sneak out of your mom’s house to go steal your first kiss.

Then later the friends that bought you drinks when the boy you loved invited you to his wedding to the dirty skank … um I mean the lovely lady.

Most people have that one idyllic best friend, I’m blessed to have two.

We have no judgments and pull out the bitch card when needed.

We don’t  sugar coat anything and embrace the flaws in the group that run wild.

I come up with the stories of how our lives will turn out, Anastasia comes up with the soundtrack and Natasha choreographs our mad dance moves.

Random quotes, plenty of wine and loud noises fill up most of our time.

You know the movie Hangover and how Allen, Phil and Stu are apart of  the ‘Wolfpack’ and the three best friends anyone could have get into all sorts of insane situations?

 Well we’re those guys, except female. Oh and none has ever married a hooker.