Letter to the Editor

A public servant’s work is never done. If you have the ability, desire, capability, or drive to be a positive force for change, wouldn’t you?

Like many before me, my experience on Senate left me frustrated yet optimistic about the strength of our institution and our administrative official’s commitment to bettering students and their representation.

One issue that has not received needed attention is the distinct lack of information regarding Student Senate elections. When confronted as to why results of elections are not accessible, the overwhelming response is “We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

While that is noble, it is not necessary.

Other Missouri universities have implemented changes regarding this subject, once again leaving MSSU behind the curve. This is a call to action.

Anything short of a policy in writing by the VP of Student Affairs that reflects freedom of information regarding Senate elections is unacceptable in my book.

There is still time to change this policy, and this Senate should take up the cause and fulfill its obligation to leave the University better than how they found it.