Advising leads to development

Developing a trusting relationship within your department, and more importantly with your advisor, can be an extremely beneficial investment when considering academic success.

Many students do not take the time to visit their advisor unless it is time to enroll in classes for next semester or fill out graduation papers. Some students do not even know who their advisor is. This is a problem that should be really concerning to departments.

Taking the initiative to meet with your advisor and check your progress periodically can make more of an impact than you think. Studies have looked at faculty advising and the effect it has on student development. Many results have concluded that faculty advising can in fact further student development. Student development can in turn have many benefits on factors such as: enrollment, retention, grade point averages, graduations rates and even student involvement on campus.

This relationship can not only be beneficial to the student but also be a key to success to universities.

Advisors can offer tips to help further your success, by monitoring your progress and motivating you when classes get tough. They often can serve as a huge accountability tool when things get hectic and you feel like slacking off.

When looking for ways in which to network and get involved on campus and the community, chances are advisors can offer some information and direct you toward an opportunity best suited for you.

Having a good relationship with your advisor could make all the difference after graduation; they can give insight on grad schools and whether that is a good option for you, help look for employment upon graduation and even serve as a reference for jobs.

If you do not have an advisor that you trust or that seems to be investing in you as a student, then you always have the option to change your academic advisor. Go to the department secretary and ask how you can make the switch to another advisor, they should be able to give you all the information needed to make that happen.

Advisors are meant to help serve as a mentor to their advisees. But it takes two to develop that relationship. It is ultimately up to the student to show interest in their education. Faculty advisors are given to students as a tool for success, so utilize it.