Senate elects four new council members

            Missouri Southern’s FEMA shelter was on the Student Senate agenda on Feb. 15. Next week, Student Senate members will tour the FEMA center in order to obtain a rough price estimate on renovating it into a new recreational center. The FEMA shelter is located between the quads residence halls and Stegge Hall.

“The idea behind the project is since our campus is expanding so greatly, Mayes dining hall is going to be a two story dining area and the FEMA shelter will serve as a new recreational center,” said Jacob Layne, junior political science major.

Psychology club and Model United Nations club were granted one thousand dollars each for conferences. Also, the dance team was granted one thousand dollars for their dance competition in Orlando, Florida.

In other news, the Senate announced that the Public Relations committee intends to create a refrigerator magnet to help students realize the discounts that are available to them throughout the community. Also, the committee is laying the ground work to host a lock-in at the Mayes Student Center to raise awareness of the Student Senate.

During the committee session, the Senate also announced that there will be an upcoming vote for new Student Senate chair members in the weeks to come.