In the wake of a global economic downturn and a devastating tornado, Missouri Southern administrators must find a way to ease the school’s financial frustrations. Enrollment and retention, already...
Tuesday, the state of Missouri held its primary for the 2012 Presidential Election.Thing is, it didn’t matter.The state will hold a caucus in March, which is when its delegates will be awarded to one...
Missouri Southern, like all state-funded universities in the state, will be hit hard by budget cuts for the 2013 fiscal year.Up until Tuesday, each of those schools was bracing for a 12.5 percent cut in...
Last week, we ran a story on budget cuts headed to the University.A state budget shortfall is coming for the next fiscal year, and part of the burden has fallen on the shoulders of Missouri colleges.With...
The Missouri Southern Board of Governors, held its first meeting of 2012 on Jan. 20.The Board, much like many others on campus, focused its discussion mainly on financial issues after Governor Jay Nixon...