Swing-A-Thon raises more than $2,000

Bimal Patel, a senior biology major, participates in a Swing-A-Thon May 6 as part of a Kappa Sigma charity project. The event raised nearly $2,400 for Watered Gardens, a local homeless shelter. Fraternity members spent 48 hours swinging and said more than 50 people stopped by their location on the Oval to make donations.

Service projects are nothing new for Kappa Sigma members at Missouri Southern.

This semester they pulled out one of their older tricks, the 48-hour Swing-A-Thon.

“This is the third actual Swing-A-Thon, and we’ve done two other 48-hour events along with that, and they’ve raised a lot of money in the past for charity and we decided to do another one this semester,” said Kyle Sill, sophomore business major and social and philanthropy chair holder for Kappa Sigma.

According to Sill, the group usually brings in $1,000 to $1,500, but Turner said they raked in close to $2,400 this time around.

“Throughout the whole 48 hours we had about 50 to 100 people drop by to give donations or to drop by and help keep it going,” said Andrew Turner, senior criminal justice major and alumni relations for Kappa Sigma. “Every semester we try to do a 48-hour event to raise money for a local organization, and this semester, like we did last semester with the box build off, we did Watered Gardens, a homeless shelter/tent community that helps homeless people in the city.”

Watered Gardens was brought to Kappa Sigma’s attention last semester around the time they performed the box build off.

“There was an organization on campus called Wide Open that is no longer with us, but they helped us get into them through their ministry and they helped us support the box build off so we decided to return the favor to them in our donation for the Swing-A-Thon,” Turner said.

Sill said promotion of the event wasn’t a problem.

“We made flyers for it and we did a lot of word of mouth also, but a swing set in the center of the Oval is kind of promotion in itself,” he said.

He also said they took many kinds of donations, including clothes and canned goods.