Documentary to raise breast cancer awareness


A junior at Missouri Southern, Sophie Jeng, is raising breast cancer awareness by showing the documentary 1 a Minute: What will YOU Do?

Jeng is working alongside HOPE 4 You Breast Cancer Foundation, who works locally to raise awareness, provide support and education about breast cancer. 

“I’m a biology major; I’m very interested in the health field and plan to go into medicine, so it’s something I find important,” Jeng said. 

1 a Minute: What will YOU Do? details what it means to be a breast cancer survivor. 

HOPE 4 You Breast Cancer Foundation will be present after the film’s viewing to present information and answer any questions about breast cancer.   

“I hope it will change the concept people have of breast cancer,” Jeng said. 

“Many people think of breast cancer as a disease that only older people can get, but that’s not the case. Although there are a small percent of breast cancer in young people in can still happen.”

The American Cancer Society estimates that 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will occur in 2011 and an additional 57,650 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. 

It is also estimated for 2011 that approximately 39,520 women will die from breast cancer.  

Women under the age of 40 are estimated to account for 13,110 new breast cancer cases and 1,160 deaths. 

Students will have the opportunity to see the documentary at 6 p.m on Nov. 15 and 29 in the Mayes Student Life Center.

For more information about the 1 a Minute: What will YOU Do? showing, contact Sophie Jeng at 417-208-0502 or at