Miley’s bad influence won’t harm impressionable youth

Taylor Camden

I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but the other night at the Video Music Awards, Miley Cyrus let it all hang out. Literally, I mean, she was hanging out of a nude bikini and her butt looked like a raw turkey’s behind.

For those of you who aren’t aware of the catastrophe that was Miley, she and Robin Thicke performed together. But when I say performed, I really mean they quite possibly gave a preview of a future sex tape that may be on the verge of surfacing.

Jokes aside—I’m over hearing about how awful Miley Cyrus is for twerking on stage and ruining the lives of millions of little girls who are going to grow up and sell their bodies because they saw Hannah-flipping-Montana on stage humping a strange man and sticking her tongue out. I grew up in the 90s—look where my role models are today. Lindsay Lohan fell off the deep end a long time ago and Amanda Bynes quickly followed in her footsteps. I’ve yet to sell my body.

Is Miley really SO bad? Just because you or I probably wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean it’s wrong to stand on a stage in front of millions of viewers and dry hump Robin Thicke while rubbing your crotch.

We all make our own decisions in life. Some chose to dance like a member of the finest twerk team around in broad daylight, and some of us would rather eat popcorn and watch.