Southern Hosts First Ever Mock Kill Scenario

Evan Stepp

Southern Hosts First Ever Mock Kill Scenario

On Oct. 18, students of Missouri Southern’s game and fish enforcement course inspected a mock illegal hunting kill site which took place west of the Mills Anderson Justice Center. The event was a first for the department.

Students were divided into four groups to solve two different fictional scenarios, which were centered around claims of illegal hunting on private property.

These scenarios were devised by course instructor Chad Adams and Tim Wilson, department chair of the criminal justice department at Southern.

“We looked at a scene of a disturbance where a shooting on someone’s property took place. We found most of the evidence, and solved it,” said Chauncey McCaulie, a senior criminal justice major. “We found feathers and buck shots in open areas; they didn’t really clean up after themselves.” 

The class aims to teach students at Southern the principles of working within the professional game warden enforcement specialization. As an introduction course to the game warden career field, Missouri wildlife laws are the primary focus of the course.