Bud Clark named new headof music department

Bud Clark was named music department head during the second week of March after Dr. Phil Wise stepped down.

Bud Clark was named music department head during the second week of March after Dr. Phil Wise stepped down.

Singing a new tune, the music department of Missouri Southern has a new leader.

Bud Clark, head of music department and director of choral studies for Southern and also a 16-year veteran teacher in Southern’s music program, took over the position of department head during the second week of March and is excited about the potential for growth within different areas of the department.

“I am very excited for the future of the band program,” Clark said. “We are going to offer instrumental students something completely different than they are used to in the area of marching band. We are going to be more of a ‘show band’ like the Big 10 bands are.”

Clark said he hopes to make the band the leading factor in getting the crowd excited about the football team.

“Our presentation will center on a drum line that really kicks,” Clark said. “You will see marching, running, dancing, high stepping, humor and formations that will amaze and amuse you with audience participation and an over abundance of school spirit. The band will have its own cheering squad and will be in bleachers that will face the fans instead of being in the stands with the crowd.”

Clark said he has been pleased to see the growth in the other areas of the music department during his tenure as well and looks forward to seeing these areas continue to grow.

“Our choral program is strong and has grown over the years with the addition of the Chamber Choir and our show choir, Southern Exposure, both of which I founded,” Clark said. “Our Jazz program has flourished and is exciting to hear and watch grow musically.”

Clark said his favorite parts about working in the music department at Southern are the excellent students and staff.

“The kids are fun and exciting and very talented after we work with them,” Clark said. “The staff is easy to get along with, they work well together, are very professional and are also some of the best musicians that you can find in their field of expertise.”

Clark’s appointment as department head is good news to both faculty and students alike.

Dr. Kexi Liu, associate professor of music, has known Clark since 1991 and describes his colleague as energetic with a good sense of humor and a lot of ideas.

“I have known Professor Clark for 14 years and have enjoyed having him as both a colleague and a friend,” Liu said. “He is a very capable leader and always puts his passions into his work. As the choral director, he has built our choral program into one of the best, and I believe he will do an excellent job as the department head.”

Laura Hasselquist, junior voice education major, has had Clark as an instructor for the past six semesters and said she excited about Clark being the new department head.

“I think he will do a good job,” Hasselquist said. “He’s a very enthusiastic person, and I think he really wants to see the department grow. I believe he can accomplish that.”

Clark said for the department to grow, people need to be aware of the talent and the ensembles that the department has and to want to be a part of that themselves.

“I know we have a lot of wonderful musicians on our campus, vocal as well as instrumental, that are not in the choir or band,” Clark said. “We need them to be a part of us and the exciting new things that are going to happen next year.”

Clark said students need to realize they do not have to be a music major to be in any of Southern’s ensembles.

“They just need to have a passion for music and the desire to improve their talents,” Clark said. “We have scholarship money available for majors as well as non-majors. If you are in both choir and band, you could get twice the money.”

For more information about the music department, Clark can be reached at 625-9562.