Southern’s News Briefs

Lone debater goes undefeated until semi-final rounds in Boston

The Missouri Southern Speech and Debate Squad competed in the Annual Suffolk/ Simmons DUAL Debate tournaments in Boston. There were 19 colleges and universities represented at the tournaments.Freshman Victor Cook made his way undefeated to the semi-final rounds where he lost to a 2-1 decision in Lincoln-Douglas debate.The second half of the debate was canceled due to snow. The Debate Squad will head out Friday to the Missouri State Speech and Debate Championship at Drury University.

Plans underway for 14th-annual Langston Hughes local celebration

Plans are underway for the 14th annual Langston Hughes celebration at Southern. At 7 p.m. Feb. 24 in Webster Hall auditorium, Carmaletta Williams will present a night of music, poetry and new insight into the life of Hughes. Williams is the author of a book on Hughes used in the classroom. She has also monitored poetry circles and performed the roles of characters in Hughes’ works. The event is free to the public.

Alumni Association seeks help searching for former JuCo players

Special activities will be performed to recognize the former players of all sports on Wednesday, when the men’s and women’s basketball teams host Truman State University.During the day, all former players, coaches, trainers, cheerleaders and support staff members from the former Joplin Junior College and the Jasper County Junior College will be recognized for their work and effort. The JJC and the JCJC players, the athletics department and the Alumni Association will take part.These organizations are asking for help in locating former players or anyone wanting to be recognized.For more information, contact Elisa Bryant in the Alumni Office at 625-3068.

Pro Musica commissions composer to write new piece with grant money

A grant from the National Endowment for the Arts is allowing Pro Musica to commission American composer Paul Schoenfield to write a new piece for string quartet titled, “The Sower.” The Joplin area will be the first to hear this new piece. The new composition will be presented at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Calvary Baptist Church. General admission is $10, and a champagne reception at the Spiva Center for the Arts after the concert but is $30.For more information, call 626-8194 or 623-8865. Or, visit the Pro Musica Web site at

2006 FMA Finance Leader’s Conference in New York City

The 2006 FMA Finance Leader’s Conference has been scheduled for March 30-31 in New York City.FMA members get a discount, and FMA membership fees are $35. To sign up, see Brian Nichols before Feb. 17. Contact Nichols at 625-9599 for more information.

Three-man teams may begin signin up for Southern Olympic competitions

The Southern Olympics is looking for teams to join in several competitions. The teams must be made up of three members and all members must compete in all events. All members will receive a free T-shirt.The competitions include team flag, cycling relays, curling/shuffle board, figure skating, bobsledding, biathlon relay, gymnastics/giant twister, puzzle, bean bag toss and moon pie eating. All this will take place at 8 p.m. March 14 in Leggett & Platt Athletic Center. Free food will be available, and fans and spectators are welcome to attend.The first 100 fans will receive a free T-shirt. Faculty and staff will compete against students. The games are limited to the first 50 teams, and all teams must sign up by March 10 in the Student Support Center.

Visiting artist demonstrates ceramic casting techniques in open workshop

Jeff Garrett, instructor of art at Crowder College, will demonstrate his techniques of slip casting with ceramics at 4 p.m. Thursday in the sculpture room of the art department.He will provide a Visiting Artist workshop at this time and location. Garrett will also provide a lecture and presentation of his techniques at 7 p.m. in a location to be announced. The workshop and lecture are free to the public and all are welcome to attend. For more information on his technique, visit

Literary Lions Book Club picks topic for upcoming semester discussions

The Literary Lions Book Club has picked its topic for this semester. The group will be discussing the play A Raisen in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. The group will also discuss Hansberry’s autobiography, To be Young, Gifted and Black.Dr. Jim Lile, associate professor of theater, will be the moderator of the group this semester.The meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. March 16 to discuss the play.All meetings will be held in the first floor of the Spiva Library.As a member of the group, all participants’ individual copies of the works will be donated back to the library.The cost for the general public to join the group is $25. Friends of the Spiva Library pay $15. Anyone interested should contact the Alumni Office at 625-9355 no later than March 1. The opportunity is limited to the first 15 applicants.

PRSSA sells candy for fundraiser

Remember to buy candy from the nearest PRSSA member. They will be selling through the month of February. The cost is 75 cents per candy.