Blind Faith

Blind Faith

Blind Faith

As of recent, it seems more people are claiming Christianity as their religion but few of them are actually reading the text.

This was made painfully apparent to me when my class discussed the story of Judith. For those not familiar with Judith, it’s the story of a woman who kills Holofernes, leader of her people’s enemy. Judith takes his head back to her people and paves the way for Israel’s victory. Prior to killing the leader, she prays for the strength to do the deed that needs to be done.

The discussion of the prayer caused an unwitting Christian to inform the class that violence isn’t part of the Christian lifestyle.


It seems to me that much of the Old Testament is a history of violent wars that focus on heroes and royal figures. One such hero in the book of Judges, Chapter 5, nails a tent spike through a man’s head. I guess the student expressing her opinion skipped that part.

Joshua and Moses also went to war against many neighboring countries. And several Israeli kings killed people for worshiping other gods.

But I guess war isn’t violent. It couldn’t be it violence is against the Christian lifestyle.

Maybe the student was referring to the New Testament. Let’s look past the book of Revelation and the several depictions of the crucifixion, shall we?

How about religious wars after the founding of Christianity? The Crusades were fought between Christians and Muslims over Jerusalem because it is considered a holy site for both religions.

The Old Testament also focuses on the painful wrath of God, which is enacted many times. For example: God condemns all mankind to die, God floods the Earth, God unleashes the plagues on Egypt, God sends fiery serpents to bite his people, God commands a father to sacrifice his son, and so on.

I am not criticizing God, nor am I attacking the Christian faith. I just want followers to actually read their Bibles so they don’t make na’ve remarks. So fellow Christians, please take this into consideration before you feel the urge to make uneducated remarks.