Technology addiction causes laziness


Jeremy Thomas, Assistant Sports Editor


I consider myself to be very tech savvy and up to date on technology, but lately I have been wondering if this is making me lazy, which made me think, is technology making people lazy? I am sure I am not the only person on campus who believes technology has its consequences, which I think is making people even lazier than people were decades ago. 

I do not have the factual evidence to know how people where back in the 60s-70s because I was born in the late 80s. However, I do have parents that were, and they talk about how much technology has changed, along with the nature of people. 

Now, I know back then there were no gaming consoles like the  Nintendo Wii, or Xbox Kinect that you can literally stay in your room to exercise, so do you think this society is in better shape than people in the 60s-70s? 

One thing is for certain, technology has had a huge impact positively and negatively on the way we live our lives. For example have you or someone you know ever lost their cell phone? It is literally like someone took a big chunk of their life away. 

I know when I lose my phone there’s one word that I think everyone says in that situation, and it starts with ‘F’, and then the frantic search is on to try and find the little device that you simply can’t function without. 

I wonder back when pagers were popular, if you lost yours, would you frantically start looking for it? The point is that with technology basically running our everyday life, does it actually interfere with our ability to exercise or eat right? Let’s face it, this society is a very busy society; everyone seems to always be on the run to do something. 

Whether you’re a parent with kids involved in sports taking them back and forth to practices and games, or a student trying to balance a full class load, while working a job or two or three. 

No matter what your situation is, you’re just too busy to exercise. Does this make you lazy? I don’t think it does. You may not have a chance to eat healthy because you’re always on the run, so that quick pick-up from McDonalds, Chick-fil-A or Sonic becomes routine for you. It’s not just cell phones that may keep us on the “lazy level,” all the super cool mega awesome laptops and gaming systems could be a good reason too. 

Personally, I used to love running a couple miles a week. This was during the summertime though, where I had a little down time. However, once the school year rolled around, things changed quickly. I became very busy with a lot of things, so I had to hold back on running. 

Even when I wanted to run or thought about doing some sort of exercise, I would say to myself, ‘Hmmm exercise or get on Facebook and Facebook stalk?’ 

So you would think after I get off of Facebook I would go ahead and do some exercise right? 

False. Getting on facebook then turns into playing my Xbox 360, after that it’s time to knock out some prolonged homework I should have started on hours ago. 

I attempt to do the homework but with great shows, and sports on T.V., along with friends coming over and getting hundreds of texts, I usually have a long night. 

With technology having a strong grip on my life, and I’m sure the majority of students on this campus also, you can say technology can be contributed to people being lazy.