Why can’t we be friends?

Joshua Boley, Executive Editor

Joshua Boley, Executive Editor

With the Polar Plunge happening soon, it got to me thinking about how we treat those that are different from us in some way.

Sure, this may apply to those with mental handicaps as that is the current season, but really it can apply to anyone that is different, whether it be a physical disability or just dressing different and acting different.

From my observations, there appears to be three distant ways that people deal with those that are different.

The first way of is that of being rude to them or making fun of them. What purpose does this really serve?  

I cannot imagine someone actually feeling better about themselves by doing this, and yet it is done all the time.

We as humans are often just as cruel as the animals around us that we claim to be superior to. We find a difference and single that out and exploit it to our own amusement. If you really want to impress me, find an NFL linebacker and make fun of him to his face.

The second way is not so abusive but still has a certain degree of negativity to it. I have seen where there is someone different who may need help carrying something and everyone ignores them.

Sure, at least you are not making fun of them but what message is being sent here? Is that person not worth your time? Again, imagine the hottest person you know asking you for help and see how long you ignore them.

The third happens from time to time and I am lucky because I am noticing it more often and that is treating them like a fellow human.

I hope that this last one continues to be a growing trend. I know sometimes is easy to go with the crowd and jump on the wagon of ridicule or ignoring those around us we see as less than us. Just ask yourself if something happened tomorrow that made you different than society’s “normal” how would you like to be treated?

I know there are times when some people that are different are legitimately scary. I understand sometimes I see those people and they scare the crap out me as well. I am not asking people to put themselves in harm’s way just to prove a point. I admit a crack-head huffing gas in an alley may need help, but it may not be the best situation to try out your new love for humanity.

Look around this campus. We all dress different, have different ideals and morals.

In a time where people are deleting each other off of Facebook because they disagree over one thing, while tolerance is preached almost everywhere you go, why can’t we find ways to get along with our fellow man?