Senator’s stand inspires editor

Joshua Boley

Joshua Boley

Regardless of how a person feels about ObamaCare a person has to have respect for Sen. Ted Cruz. The Texas Republican senator spoke for over 21 hours in an attempt to raise discussion about something he cares about.

While technically not a filibuster as he could not halt a test vote over ObamaCare, Cruz’s passion to literally stand for something he believes in is admirable.

Cruz is probably looking to a future candidate race, and probably hopes this event will help him in that race. That’s politics, however it is actions that will ultimately have him rememberd as a certain type of politician.

Cruz upset some of his own party with his 21 hour long speech, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

It is conviction to a cause that is inspiring. He stood for hours in the face of opposition and possible defeat to send a message to the people and the government.

America could use more individuals that would do the same.

We have become a nation that is afraid of offending someone so our convictions are weak. We are citizens that sell our values if the money is right and or the times are just difficult.

While certainly a stretch, Cruz’s example brings up thoughts of the 300 Spartans who refused to back down. Examples throughout history including the “frozen Chosin” where a group of Marines where completely surrounded during the Korean War and soldiered on.

As a nation we can admire individuals who go the extra mile even as our mentality shifts from “never back down” to “just go with the flow.” In a time of a time of “go along to get along”  it’s nice to still see those that refuse to compromise on their morals and ideals.

Moments of unflinching devotion to a cause can always be looked at with respect and honor, and our nation would be a better place if there were more individuals and groups willing to hold fast to what they value.