Internet Extra Pole brings students together

Burleson, Texas, is not a city too many people know about. Nor do too many people know the story behind this town, but mention See You at the Pole and many people’s faces light up in recognition.

See You at the Pole started 15 years ago with a small group of students at a DiscipleNow weekend in Burleson. That Saturday the students felt God was placing a burden on their hearts to reach their friends with the gospel. Feeling as if they should pray, they drove to three different schools at night and prayed at each flagpole. They would share their vision with 20,000 students in June 1990 at Reunion Arena in Dallas. Then, in September 1990, over 45,000 teenagers would turn out to pray at their schools in four different states.

In a movement that swept the United States and various other countries, more than 3 million students gather around their local flagpole to pray. On Sept. 15, students once again came together at their schools, including students at Missouri Southern.

“See You at the Pole is a fantastic opportunity for Christian students from all denominations to meet together and focus on reaching the campus with the good news that God loves us and wants to have a personal relationship with us,” said Phil Gloyer, director of the Baptist Student Union.

While gathered, the participants prayed for the students, staff, faculty and the nation.

“This year, we prayed that God would give us strength to tell [students] about the hope and fulfillment we’ve found in Jesus and of what He did for them on the cross,” said Garret Jones, freshman, International Business Major. “He is all that matters, and He is, was and always will reign supreme over grades, over time, over earth and over life.”

About 45 people participated in SYATP Sept. 15 at Southern’s 9-11 Memorial Flag on the Oval. The theme was “Ascend: Clean Hands. Pure Heart,” based on Psalm 24:3-4.

At the 7 a.m. service, the students provided music, as well as breakfast consisting of donuts and orange juice. While at 9 p.m. there was only a prayer ceremony.

SYATP is student led and organized.