Assange gives us common foe

A few days ago I started seeing countless stories about WikiLeaks on The New York Times app on my phone. I had no previous knowledge of WikiLeaks and was interested to find out what the big deal was. I was surprised by what I discovered.

WikiLeaks, a whistle-blower website headed by Julian Assange, is a site that leaks information to the public and has recently leaked 250,000 diplomatic cables of communications from various ambassadors and leaders around the world that were meant to be confidential.  

The State Department and others in Washington D.C. have deemed this leak as a threat to American security and to foreign relations. While other countries have released statements either choosing not to comment on the cables contents or taking the time to clarify their comments, none of them seem to be directly blaming the United States for the leak.

Assange has shown the true colors of world leaders and created more tension in our foreign relations by putting confidential secrets and observations on display for the world. The release of this information has the ability to undermine our efforts in the Middle East, as well as other parts of the world, and could endanger countless people. Furthermore, this is not the first time sensitive information has been released by WikiLeaks.

What’s even more unsettling is how WikiLeaks came across this information. According to ABC News, in July an Army Intelligence Specialist Bradley Manning was arrested for leaking information and is believed to be the source. But in today’s society where 8 year olds can program websites, I find it difficult to believe that Manning would be the only source.

Why is this information not more secure? How is it that a website has gained access to confidential government information, not once, but multiple times?  More importantly, how has WikiLeaks not been shut down? Whatever the reasons, I’m sure it is only a matter of time. But how much more information will be released before that time does come?

WikiLeaks does not see any wrong in what they are doing. They are providing the world a service by reveling the secrets of governments while ignoring the repercussions.

The WikiLeaks Twitter page boasts “The Pentagon is hyperventilating again over fears of being held to account” and “Should WikiLeaks expose the world’s secret diplomatic backroom dealings? Put it to the vote!”

Aside from his blatant disregard for the problems WikiLeaks poses, I will give Assange some credit; he has successfully provided the world with a common enemy: himself.