Secession attempts unearth a scary divide amongst states

What can I say about the recent secession issue that hasn’t already been said? I’m having a difficult time assessing how to look at this spectacle. 

On one had, I agree that this is an exercise in futility. There’s no possible chance that the current administration would ever even consider splitting up the country. Save for the possibility of Texas seceding (and likely floundering) the notion is a pipe-dream at best.

On the other hand, I’m intrigued by the notion and what it says about the state of things. Over 40 states have petitioned to secede (Missouri included) and that number really perplexes me.

Think about what it would be like to rebuild the nation. This issue has some people speaking of civil war, despite the fact that the secession is aimed at being resolved peacefully if it were ever put into action.It’s kind of an interesting thing to imagine; its something terrifying. However, I don’t find myself unsettled by the prospect so much as the possibilities. 

But these are just ghosts and demons, spectres haunting an unsteady political climate. The truth is, we need each other. We are a united collection of states, and a nation divided cannot stand.

Despite the grievances that we have with each party, each candidate, and each other, we require conflicting ideas to keep us going. I’m not entirely happy with the Obama administration, but I’m not sure that I would be entirely happy with any administration. I’d be even more opposed to an absence of administration. We need some sort of structure to support our society. That being said, revisiting the structure of our administration might have some benefit. 

There is unsteady legislation in our midst. People are obviously unsatisfied with the way things are. 

I’d appreciate a nation that doesn’t concern itself with what citizens do in private. I’m an advocate for gay marriage, as well as the legalization of marijuana. At the same time, I’m not opposed to being able to arm yourself. 

I believe that people should be free to worship as they wish; the concept of “In God We Trust” has never bothered me. What does bother me is people being unable to worship where they please. At the same time, I believe there needs to be a divide in church and state. The concept of a theocratic administration terrifies me. A person should value common sense and logic over domineering whispers of an unseen deity. 

I get the feeling that the majority of these individuals wishing to secede are firm believers in God and country, but the country is the tangible aspect. 

I understand speaking up when you feel something is amiss, but secession shouldn’t be the answer. Compromise is.