Student Senate held its final session of the semester Wednesday evening, finishing up the semester, by completing the first and second reading of the proposed Senate Constitution.
Senate hadn’t met in two weeks due to Thanksgiving break, and the last meeting lasted more than two and a half hours due to debates left mostly unresolved by the break. During the Nov. 20 meeting, the Senators convened despite not getting through first reading.
Members of Senate were told to re-read the proposed Constitution over the break and submit any proposed amendments to the executive board. Vice President Brittany Lampe, presiding for absent President Noah Triplett, let the room know no changes had been submitted.
A motion was quickly made to move the Constitution from first to second reading by Senator Raymond Dunaway. Senator Cory Garr contested the motion.
“Just as a point of clarify cation, we did not settle what we were debating last time,” he said.
“As there are no amendments on the table and nobody submitted anything, I personally feel comfortable with the Constitution as it stands,” replied Dunaway. “We have been functioning as representatives for the student body for as long as I’ve been a member and if the majority of us can’t come to conclusion, I think we should move it through to second reading.”
Senator Lydia McGriff seconded Dunaway’s motion and the Senate held a vote. To pass into second reading, the Constitution needed a three-fifths majority. The Constitution passed 11-4 after one revote.
Senate then moved to second reading and approved the new Constitution in a timely manner. A student body vote will be held in the spring semester that will determine if it is put into action.
Dunaway then addressed the room about his role on the Presidential Search Committee.
He urged the other members of Senate to give him feedback on what they want to see in the next president of the University.
The meeting closed with an address by Senator Mary Duncan.
“With the spring semester, as well as my graduation approaching, I’ve been faced with a choice,” said Duncan. “I will have 21 hours of upper division classes and be preparing for grad school. It is with a great sadness that I announce to you today my resignation from Student Senate. I wish you all the best in all you do. Thank you so much.”