Letter to the Editor: CIS Club finishes first year strong, gives thanks to all

The MSSU Computer Information Science Club is wrapping up its first year, but by no means are we slowing down. On behalf of the CIS Club and its officers, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the people who have contributed to the success we’ve had, but business first; I have a few announcements to make.

We are keeping busy hosting the elections that will determine next year’s club officers.

We have several good people running and the club should be under sound leadership next fall. The deadline for voting in the officer elections is April 22, so if you haven’t voted yet, please log on and make your choice. Votes may be cast by any CIS student on the CIS Club Web site at www.cisclub.org. There they will find information posted by our officer candidates to help them decide. Election results will be announced publicly at the club meeting on the 29th.

The CIS Club is very proud to announce that the speaker for the April 29 meeting will be Dr. Yan Asmann from the Mayo Clinic. Asmann’s credentials include a bachelor of science. in computer science and a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology.

Among her professional accomplishments stands her work with the Human Genome Project. Her presentation will focus on the field of Bioinformatics. We hope that this will help to generate awareness and interest in the new degree option in bioinformatics being offered at Southern next fall. We would like to encourage anyone interested in hearing Asmann speak to join us at 12:15 p.m. in the Matthews Hall Auditorium.

Now I would like to personally thank and recognize my fellow outgoing officers for their hard work and dedication to the success of the CIS Club. Julie Wilson, our madame president; Mike English, the VP; Michelle Goff, madame treasurer; Caleb Engelkin, Mr.

Secretary; Michael Lackey, Web site coordinator (big thanks to Mr. Lackey!); Jeff Anderson, contributions coordinator; Michael Cox, special events coordinator; and Phillip Schulte, membership coordinator.

Thank you all.

Finally, on behalf of the outgoing officers of the MSSU CIS Club, I would like to thank the faculty of the CIS department for all of the support they have given us. Special recognition is due to our faculty advisors, Steven Schiavo and Hartford Tunnell. Also, our sincere thanks go to the departments of criminal justice and biology for their cooperation, both past and future. Thanks to the Accounting Club for mentorship and model. And most importantly, thanks to the CIS Club members and CIS students who made all of this possible, and for whom this all came about.

Courtney GoffPublicity Coordinator CIS Club