Living in residence halls proves worthwhile experience

Andy Tevis - Design Editor

Andy Tevis – Design Editor

I remember the first day I came home from kindergarten. OK, I may not really remember the exact day but my mom reminds me every once in awhile.

I got off the big yellow bus to be greeted by my mother.

“How was your day?” she asked.

“There are too many rules.” I replied.

I still managed to have a good time throughout kindergarten and even made a few good friends.

Here I am almost 20 years later, a senior in college living on campus. What else can I say about my experiences living on campus except that there are too many rules.

OK, I still manage to have a good time, but really. Those living on campus know what I’m talking about: no alcohol, crazy visitation hours, quiet hours and no alcohol.

Why would anyone want to live here?

Well, since there’s still 442 words left in this column you will probably find out.

I transferred two years ago from North Idaho College and have been living on campus since then. It’s amazing how fast time has gone by.

I spent a year in Blaine hall and a year in Maupin Hall; ah yes, the memories. Living in Blaine Hall really is like doing time in prison. Members of the opposite sex must me “escorted,” there is no privacy, and there’s a roommate named Bubba.

There’s only one reason I’ve stayed on campus as long as I have.

I really have met some awesome people living in the residence halls, and well, some interesting people too. There was the smelly guy I shared a room with in Blaine Hall whose name I can’t even remember.

Then there was Ryo (pronounced like “Yo what’s up?”), an exchange student from Osaka, Japan, who is possibly one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met. Ryo is definitely someone I will always consider a good friend. I think he made the record for rules broken in our apartment, along with all the other things he broke. Ryo introduced me to the Japanese culture, as well as a girlfriend.

During the spring 2004 semester I roomed with Andreas, my German friend. I think he decorated his room better than any other guy I’ve ever met. He also taught me how to have a good German meal and what it means to be a true “global playa.”

So what have I picked up during my two years living on campus besides the crap my roommates left behind when they moved out?

I’ve made some good friends and learned some life lessons.

I don’t think I would have met as many interesting people if I were living off campus. Besides meeting some interesting roommates, I’ve met many other good friends on campus. Eating in the cafeteria day after day forces one to become part of the campus community, however small it may be.

With my hometown being 2,000 miles away, I’m forced to stay on campus from beginning to end of each semester. I’m not complaining. Many people go home during the weekends, leaving the international students, athletes and people like me behind. Although it may be at times lonely, it has given me the chance to get to know people I otherwise might not have associated with.

I’ve thought over and over about moving out of the residence halls to escape the ridiculous rules and regulations but always come to the same conclusion, living on campus has proven to be one of the best experiences during college. It may not fit into every student’s life plan, but I would recommend it to anyone given the opportunity.