Letter to the Editor

A word to the older generations who are worried about today’s youth, we all make mistakes. Maybe your currently the millionth person to buy a “Vote for Pedro” T-shirt without seeing or liking the movie simply because its popular. Maybe you’re still looking for that final Beanie Baby to complete your collection that will someday be worth “millions.” Are you still looking for that last Pog or Pokéman card to complete your collection? We all can get caught up in the moment, and although you like to think of your generation as without idiotic fads. Just think back to your full polyester pantsuits and television shows where thousands of bullets are shot without hitting anyone (“A-Team”). Then, maybe you can forgive us for that and we will forgive you for listening to Pat Boone. I guess what I’m saying is although it seems pretty bad right now in a world where people pay $80 for a pair of pre-torn jeans. At least we didn’t use 80 pounds of hairspray, smack on a polyester pantsuit and slap on some fake chest hair. When we all get older, we’ll just recognize that young people are destined to take like lemmings to a cliff to their clichés and fads. At least we know someday their children will find that embarrassing “Vote for Pedro” T-shirt or Pogs in their attic and will have a lot of questions to ask.

Evan Coblitz

Sophomore Sociology Major