Giving gives back to us

Liz Scheurich - Bookstore Coordinator

Liz Scheurich – Bookstore Coordinator

On a recent Oprah show, she gave everyone in the audience a $1000 Bank of America debit card. After the audience was done cheering and sat down from the standing ovation they were given a few guidelines. The money could not be spent on themselves or anyone in their family it could only be spent for the good of someone else or something. They had to come up with an idea in seven days and document the act being done.

Oprah said every gift she has ever given has brought her as much happiness as the person she has given it to and I want you to have that same feeling. I don’t think Oprah will be on this campus challenging us to this task but that doesn’t mean we cannot challenge each other and ourselves.

We have the perfect opportunity to give someone a gift. The United Way Campaign is raising money right now to help local agencies in our community. Individuals, organizations and departments are all asked to give money and support this national campaign.

All the money that is given stays in this community and helps local people. You can specify were you would like your money to go. Here are just a few of the ways your donation helped someone else. Reading tutors provided over 6,000 hours to 105 adults and 24 families enabling them to improve their reading and language skills. 971 children of working parents were provided high quality, safe after school care and mentoring. 21,276 meals were served to needy persons. 2906 adults and 112 children, who are blind or visually impaired, received needed services.

Being a member of this campus and community we have been given the chance to do something extraordinary for others. It is the best feeling in the world. Whatever your reason was for not giving, rethink your choice and give yourself the opportunity that Oprah gave everyone in her audience to feel the power of giving.

If you haven’t given I challenge you to do so. To those who have given thank you.